SAMBICA Ministries was easily our smallest project so far and yet we saw that our services helped this ministry to achieve its immediate objectives at a fraction of the estimated costs.
This camp needed a small patch of ground prepared for the installation of a new play structure and a pair of retaining walls built to support the steep slope that adjoined the play ground area.
The retaining walls were built with large boulders placed one by one using our excavator. Each retaining wall is 4’ tall and 70’ long.
In the process we repaired a troublesome sewer line, upgraded some roads, re-graded some areas to improve drainage and removed some tree stumps.
Because SAMBICA has daily before and after school programs it was vital that this project be completed with as little down-time as possible. The construction site was in the immediate vicinity of the daily school activities. We stay on the site until the work is completed and work closely with the ministry to organize and coordinate work flow. This allowed for completion of the project in just six days.