Thursday, August 28, 2008

SAMBICA - Bellevue, WA June 2008

Phase II of the SAMBICA parking lot & retaining wall project began the first of June and concluded on July 3. In five weeks we built a two-tiered retaining wall, re-graded and prepped parking lot for new asphalt, installed new drainage, plus a variety of other grounds maintenance issues.
Darren worked with Mike McCorkle, executive director(at right), and Paul Stumpf, facilities/maintenance director (at left).

This is what the hillside & parking lot looked like on June 1. The basket ball hoops were removed. The new parking lot will serve as a basketball court and a tennis court as well as parking. This required that we achieve a 1% grade so the surface would work for sports as well as drain.

Cutting out the hillside & measuring with laser level

Upon completion of the retaining wall the next step was to grind the asphalt off the existing parking lot and re-use as part of the base for the new parking lot.

Grinding begins.

Installing drainage

A short retaining wall brings the front side of the parking lot to level
Most of the wall was built by executive director, Mike McCorkle.
installing post holes for lights. This silly tool did not work. Don't even bother to try it at home! :-)

Recycled asphalt & gravel

Road fabric Final grade -- next step is asphalt. It rained on the day the asphalt was due to be installed, so we didn't get to see how it looks. The director, Mike McCorkle, said it really looks great.