Wednesday, September 12, 2007
HighTouch Ministries - Digging For Jesus
Welcome to our Blog! This will be a quick, easy way to inform ya'll about the who, what, why, when and where of HighTouch Ministries. We plan to post news about each project to keep our friends and prayer partners better connected with our various projects.
First, we'll tell you (or remind you) who we are and what we do, then you can check out our various projects for more detail, or just for fun.
HighTouch Ministries was founded in 2005 by Darren and Mary Schulz in Longview, Texas as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Our purpose is to provide excavation and landscaping services to Christian non-profit ministries. We go where the Lord sends us and take our home and our equipment along.
Since our beginning we have done large and small projects in Texas, Missouri, Arizona, Oregon, and Washington. The work we have completed includes installing underground utilities like sewer, water, electrical conduit, etc., digging out building pads and parking lots, installing or improving landscaping (like ball fields, lawns, water features, ponds, sprinkler systems, etc.), and even land clearing.
We have two methods of financial support: 1) as a non-profit we can accept tax-deductible donations and/or apply for grants to fund our operation. 2) where these funds are not available we can charge a low hourly service fee to the ministry we serve.
Job materials, equipment fuel, and work tool rentals are paid for by the ministry and each place provides a full-service RV hook-up for our home site.
Ministries qualify for our services when they have permits (if required) and funding in place and when they sign agreement with our statement of foundational biblical beliefs. When these things are met, then we discuss the project scope of work and go from there.
In most cases the ministry fills the role of the general contractor (i.e. pulling permits, ordering construction drawings & surveys, etc.), and we provide the labor. In some states we are limited in what we can do by local construction requirements, but we have never been completely limited.
If your ministry has an excavation or landscaping project please contact us. We can send more informaitno and we'll be happy to explore how the Lord might have us work together.
Check out our other postings to see project-specific details.
Blessings and thanks for looking!
Darren & Mary Schulz
dirt work,
ministry services